Facial Trauma and Reconstruction

When a traumatic accident or incident occurs that affects the appearance of the face or its underlying bone and soft tissue structure, a surgeon needs to be trained to reconstruct the face as well be versed in emergency care, acute treatment and long term reconstruction and rehabilitation of the patient. Dr. Casey is trained to handle and provide excellent care for you in this situation.

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facial trauma

Dr. Casey is a surgeon on call at Lee Memorial, Gulf Coast and other local hospitals. 

He is one of the few surgeons that can deliver oral and maxillofacial ER calls, as well as facial trauma care calls. He is also the only oral surgeon on call at all 4 hospitals.


Possible Facial Injuries Include:
  • Facial and intra-oral lacerations
  • Avulsed (knocked out) teeth
  • Fractured facial bones (cheek, nose or eye socket)
  • Fractured jaws (upper and lower jaw)